

  • 2 zucchinis, grated

  • 1 sweet potato, sliced into 1-2cm rounds

  • 2 onion, chopped

  • 2 carrots, grated

  • 4 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1/2 capsicum

  • corn kernals of a whole corn

  • 8 eggs


  • Preheat oven to 200c

  • Peal and chop enough sweet potato to cover the base of a 20cm cast pan or pie dish.

  • Oven roast the sweet potato for 10-15mins until soft. Take out and let cool.

  • In a fry pan add oil, onion and capsicum and fry for a few minutes. Then add garlic and mix for a minute.

  • Add zucchini, carrot, corn and salt and peper and cook on low-meduim heat with a li on until the mixture is soft. Approx 10-20 minutes depending on your stove. Stif occasionally.

  • Transfer to a bowl and left cool.

  • Whisk eggs in a separate large bowl. Once the veggie mix is cool add to the eggs and stir to combine.

  • Assemble sweet potato on the base of your fry pan then pour eggs mixture over and cook on stove top for about 5 minutes or so.

  • Sprinkle with cheese and place under the grill for approx. 10 minutes or until eggs are slightly golden.