Vascos Indian Vindaloo

Gewürzhaus Recipe. Serves 3-4

Tip: If using chicken, lift the meat out when cooked and simmer the sauce for remaining time, then re-place chicken and heat through before serving.


  • 4tbsp Gewürzhaus Vasco’s Vindaloo Spice

  • 300g lamb or pork, diced (pork is traditional)

  • 5 cloves garlic, grated

  • 2cm piece ginger, grated

  • 150ml coconut milk

  • 1 small onion

  • 2 tbsp oil

  • ¼ tsp salt

  • Steamed rice, to serve


  • Salt meat and set aside for one hour.

  • Make a runny paste from spice, garlic, ginger, coconut milk and 75ml of water in a blender or mortar and pestle. Place marinade in bowl with lamb and marinade for 2-3 hours in fridge.

  • Heat oil in heavy based pan. With thongs, remove lamb pieces from sauce and fry off. Add onion and fry for a few minutes. Add remaining sauce and bring to a rapid simmer, allowing to bubble for 30-40 minutes or until meat is tender. Add water if necessary throughout cooking. Serves 4.